C&S Coffeehouse Provides Free Drinks to Delivery Drivers at 100°+

2022-07-24 08:29:02 By :

The days have been hot and we're not done, yet. Our men and women in uniform are out there every day in the blazing heat risking heat stroke and dehydration to make sure our society runs smoothly. USPS, UPS, FedEx for our deliveries and our police officers, EMT, fire department -- it's rough out there in this heat. It's welcome to offer them a cold drink as a thank you for all they do for us. Our friends at C&S Coffeehouse are taking it to the next step and offering them free drinks when it's 100 degrees or hotter in Yakima.

Here's hoping more places like this step up and offer something similar to our uniformed employees who are out on the streets, sometimes without air conditioning, as they do so much for us.